Pre-School Fees
School day: £47.00 per school day - 8.40am to 3pm
Childcare vouchers
We do accept payment of fees through a number of Childcare Voucher Schemes: Computershare Vouchers, Sodexo, Edenred, Care 4, Kiddi Vouchers, Fideliti, Busy Bee Benefit.
Up to 30 Free Hours Childcare
Further information can be found at - Childcare offer for Wales.
Please ask staff for further details with regards to this initiative at Treffos.
Fees must be paid half a term in advance.
Any absences or family holidays of any kind must be paid for as a space is being reserved for your child, this includes when a child is sick.
No charge is made for Bank Holidays, the period over Christmas and New Year when Pre-School is closed, or for the two-week closure in August.
One month’s notice in writing is required for the cancellation of a Pre-School place.
A late charge of £5.00 may be incurred for every 15 minutes after the finish of a session.
For further information regarding the Childcare Offer for Wales, please click here.